Picking and kitting.
Pick-by-Projection with work instructions
- Colored projections on picking locations
- Supported by text, image and video instructions
- 3D sensor validation of correct picking
- Facilitating an easy onboarding
Picking and Kitting applications can be challenging because these kits are often made of many different components. It is critical for quality that each kit is consisting of the right components to ensure that customers or the assembly station at the next stage of the production receive the correct and complete kit. Over the years the amount of customization (and product variants) has exploded, leading to additional complexity for operators.
Picking and kitting applications can be time consuming and can lead to human errors (forgetting items, wrong quantity, wrong items, etc.). Due to these human errors, quality is under pressure and costs for the manufacturer increase as inventory management becomes more challenging to maintain accurate.
To avoid this, a solution is required to validate and guide the operator.
The Pick-by-Projection solution by Arkite is supporting operators tremendously in their picking and kitting tasks. Projections with clear color indications on the bins and containers, supported by text instructions, pictures and videos, help operators to understand which item needs to be picked. Quantities can be clearly indicated to the operator.
The Arkite 3D Sensor will validate the operator’s actions and will alarm him) if a wrong action is done (the projected yellow color turns into red indicating an error). The sensor detects when a hand reaches into a bin. No buttons (physical or on a screen) need to be pushed by the operator to validate his actions. Because the 3D Sensor has seen the operator’s actions, the operator will automatically be guided in real time to his next picking task.
Arkite’s Pick-by-Projection solution speeds up the onboarding of new employees. The projection of colors, pictures, text instructions and quantities are easy to interpret.
PCB assembly
for usage in aerospace applications
- Barcode scanner integration for selecting product variants
- Full Traceability through connectivity with Oracle backbone
- Paperless environment through digital AR work instructions
- Smart Tool Integration
- On-the-job training of operators

Arkite's operator guidance platform was installed at a manufacturer of communication modules or the International Space Station (ISS), consisting of printed circuit boards. The manual assembly of these modules is characterized by a high complexity, long cycle times, a high number of variants and a low volume per product variant.
The Arkite system guides the operator step by step in the picking and assembly process with digital Augmented Reality instructions projected in real-time on the workstation or the product itself.
It is fully integrated into the customers IT eco-system.
Arkite’s Operator Guidance platform transforms your manual workstations into a digital environment by deploying Augmented Reality.
It will give you the control and insights to efficiently steer and optimize your manual assembly processes.
Other solutions
Arkite’s Operator Guidance platform can help you find an answer to the challenges that arise in today’s highly competitive market. By deploying Augmented Reality on your factory floor, you transform your manual workstations into a digital and interactive environment that allows you to efficiently transfer knowledge to your operators. Thanks to the seamless integration in your company’s ecosystem, our platform will also provide you with the required information to optimize your assembly process.
Explore the details of our solutions, or click the contact button below to find out more.
Improve your
manual operations
with better
and reliability
error reduction
rework reduction